MARCH will be a busy one for shows - I got into La Luz de Jesus' annual group show, "Everything But The Kitchen Sync." I have loved the Soap Plant since I was a little kid and La Luz since my college days in LA, so I'm very excited to be included there - and to be showing outside the Bay Area for once!
I'll also be in City Art Gallery's March and April Shows; in April I'll be showing landscapes.
La Luz de Jesus
4633 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90027
Mon. - Wed. 11 - 7
Thurs. - Sat. 11 - 9
Sun. 12 - 6
"Everything But the Kitchen Sync"
March 6 - 29
Opening Friday March 6, 8 - 11pm
City Art
828 Valencia St.
San Francisco CA 94110
Wed. - Sun. 12 -9
March 4 - 29
Opening Friday March 6, 7 - 10pm
April 1 - 26
Opening Friday April 3, 7 - 10pm
Also offering a special piece super cheap at the ArtSpan Benefit Art Show & Auction
SomArts Gallery
934 Brannan St.
San Francisco CA 94103
Sat. Mar. 14, 6:30 - 9pm
And participating in the Mission Spring Open Studios
Workspace Limited
2150 Folsom St.
San Francisco CA 94110
Sat. & Sun. April 25 - 26, 11am - 6pm

July 2008 at City Art